Please consider a donation to St. George Orthodox Church to help support its ministries and work of our community.
All parishioners should fill out the annual pledge form. Click here to download the annual pledge form.
Electronic giving helps parishioners to give more consistently and improves St. George’s cash flow. It’s fast, simple, and convenient. No more checks, no more cash, no more envelopes.
You may use one of the following options:
1) Register for eGiving Recurring Stewardship
We encourage you to use the eGiving system for your annual pledge by clicking on the following link:
If you would like to make a donation in memory of, or for the health and safety of, or to have a candle lit,
please click on the following link and a note will be sent to Fr. Leonard.
Donation for Memory/Health/Candle
2) Mail us a donation
We also accept donations by check.
You may make out a check to St. George Orthodox Church and send it to:
St. George Orthodox Church
44 Bowers Street
Lowell, MA 01854Thank you for your donation!