I would like to thank all the ladies who put in a lot of their time, talent and effort to help make yet another dinner spectacular. With all your preparation, cooking, baking, and heart, we made this year’s Christmas Dinner profitable for St. George. You continue to outdo yourselves in every aspect.
I would also like to thank all the parishioners, family and friends who came out into the stormy, snowy day to make this dinner extra special. You all continue to give of yourselves no matter what.
Also, thank you to all those who were able to donate such wonderful, creative gifts for our raffle. Everyone was so excited when they saw how many gifts we were able to collect and extremely excited when they won their special prize.
It gives me great joy to see the smiles on everyone’s face when you walk in the door, sit down to eat and be with those you love.
We were able to raise $2,035.34 to be donated to our Church.
Thank you
Martha Stewart
Ladies President

2017 Ladies Honored By The Merrimack Valley Council of Eastern Orthodox Parishes for their philanthropic works - 03/23/2017
The Merrimack Valley Council of Eastern Orthodox Parishes honors the Ladies of St. George for their philanthropic works.
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2017 Ladies Recognition Sunday - 03/12/2017
Thank you to our Ladies for all your help over the years! May god bless you and keep you healthy☦️
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2017 Bulletin Editors Recognition Sunday - 02/12/2017
Martha Stewart, President of the ladies society receives recognition pin, for bulletin editor, along with Phyllis Arsenault and Steven Abodeely.
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