St George of Lowell, MA is pleased to be the host for the 75th Annual Parish Life Conference. The conference will be held at the Wyndham Hotel in Andover, MA. To make this a special year, we will be offering some events such as a Caribbean-themed dinner featuring a Calypso Band, a Hafli featuring singer MItchell Kaltsunas and events for the entire family.
Please click here for hotel reservations. Early bird prices for hotel rooms end on June 6th, afterwards, rooms will become normal priced.
For a list of events please clink on the Events link at the top of this page. Online Registration available for Event Registration,by Clicking Here: www.antiochianevents.org/event/96 For a printable registration form to mail in, click "here." Please mail checks and form too: Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church, 44 Bowers St. Lowell, MA. Makes checks out too: Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church."
Note the Parent Consent and Teen’s Code of Conduct forms are required regardless if the minors’ parent(s) is at the conference or not! These forms must be completed, signed and turned in at registration in order to receive their Conference Badge, which is required to participate in any Conference activity.
Please email us at LowellPLC2013@gmail.com if you have any questions.

Click here for online sponsorship and donation forms or here for the printable form.
We would like to thank all the businesses and individuals that is supporting our 75th Parish Life Conference, 2013. Due to your sponsorship and donations, we will be able to have a successful conference!
Saint George Church, Lawrence MA
Council of Eastern Orthodox Churches
Salem New Hampshire Physicians
Sullivan's Pharmacy and Medical Supply
Greg and Debbie Laham
Amad and Alexa Tayebi
Gary Aswad and Family
Ymittos Candle Mfg. Co., Inc.
O'Donnell Funeral Home
St. Mary’s Church, Cambridge
Attorney Mary Winstanley O’Connor, ESQ
Gladys Tracanna
Lillian and Edward Betor
Saint Anthony Maronite Church
St. Mary’s Antiochian Church, Pawtucket
Dr. Peter and Dr. Karin Arsenault
Dracut House of Pizza and Seafood
Church of St. John of Damascus
Saint George Church, Norwood MA
St. George Church of Boston, West Roxbury
Saint George Cathedral of Worcester and New England
Antiochian Women Diocese of Worcester
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Laham
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Samra
Sally E. Rihbany
Steve and Robin Abodeely and Family
Lowell Central Electric Co., Inc.
Ladies of St. George, Lowell
Saint George Antiochian Orthodox Church Teen Soyo
Adam and Nancy Aiken and Family
Ron Tayebi
Laurence and Chakeep Skaff
Nahil, Hilda, Henrietta and Nabil Zananiri
Carol and George Duncan
Alexander's Pharmacy
David and Cindy Brogaine
Ellen and Steve Andre & family
Fred Abisi
Lloyd Jennings DBA L.J. Construction
Rice & Brouillard Eletric ,Inc.
Lionel and Phyllis Arsenault
Caravanian Travel
Provencher Insurance Agency, Inc.
Babolas Family Restaurant
H. John and Clemence Maria
Costco Wholesale
Nicole Skaff
Frederick and Elaine Simon
George's Bakery
Alan and Elaine Hamwey
Joseph L. Kadir
Charles and Nora Abdelahad
Nour Corporation DBA, Route 38 Sunoco
Joseph and Hala I Awad and Family
The Bahou Family
Lynne, Julia, and Michael Wade
Kerri and Jonathan Steele and Family
Anthony Hamwey
Laurie and Bob Andersson
Luciano Bella
The Ansara/McCusker Family
Yvette Ansaraa and Family
Threes Company Family Haircare
Kenneth and Alice Harkins
Pat Elias
Victor M. Forsley /Attorney at Law
Zaki and Juliette Louh
Lorice Ansara
Olympos Bakery
Dorothea Husson
Pierre and Denise Oujaimi